It was narrated from ‘Ali (RA):
Fatimah (RA) complained about the pain caused to her hand by the mill, and some prisoners had been brought to the Prophet (SAW), so she went but did not find him, but she met A’ishah (RA) and told her. When the Prophet (SAW) came, A’ishah told him about Fatimah coming to her. The Prophet came to us, and we had gone to bed. We started to get up, but the Prophet (SAW) said:
Stay where you are.” Then he sat between us, until I could feel the coolness of his foot on my chest. Then he said, “Shall I not teach you something better than what you asked for? When you go to your bed, magnify Allah thirty-four times, glorify Him thirty-three times and praise Him thirty-three times. That is better for you than a servant.[Sahih Al-Bukhari: 3502 and Muslim: 2727]
From this hadith we gather the impact a few words can have on our wellbeing. Adhkar not only give us a spiritual boost but also a physical one, giving us the energy to tackle the day’s work. There are several easy adhkar one can recite daily that will be a great source of barakah and ease in your life, InshaAllah.
These easy adhkar are not restricted by time and can be recited whenever and wherever! Most even carry specific rewards and other benefits! Remembering Allah (SWT) is not only beneficial for the Hereafter but reflecting on their meanings can provide ease in difficult situations as it reaffirms our faith in Allah (SWT) and keeps us positive.
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ – SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)
Whoever recites [the above] one Hundred times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him or a thousand bad deeds are wiped away” (Sahih Muslim; #4:2073).
SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi (Glory be to Allah and Praise Him).
Whoever says (the above) at morning and evening time, one hundred times, none shall come on the Day of Resurrection with anything better except someone who has said the same or more. (Sahih Muslim, #4:42071).
A palm tree is planted for the reciter [of the above] in Paradise (at-Tirmidhi; 5:511, al-Hakim).
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ – SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi ‘l-`adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)
Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said: “Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by the Most Merciful One.” (Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:67, Sahih Muslim, #4:2071).
لا حَوْلَ وَ لا قُوَّةَ اِلَّا بِاللّهِ – La Hawla wa la Quwatta illa Billah (There is no Might or Power except with Allah)
[the above is] a treasure from the treasures of Paradise (Sahih al-Bukhari; al-Fath al-Bari #11:213, Sahih Muslim #4:2076).
This is a reminder that Allah is the Ultimate Power and Might and that nothing happens without His will. In difficult times, one can remember this easy adkhar and can positively reaffirm the situation.
الحمد لله Alhamdulilah (Praise be to Allah)
This not only benefits you in the Hereafter but also puts you in a state of constant shukr, shifting you into a more positive attitude!
الله اكبر AllahuAkbar (God is the Greatest)
This reminds you that Allah, The Greatest oversees your affairs, so no need to worry.
لا اله الّا اللهLa ilaaha illa Allah
Constant reaffirmation of Allah’s Oneness. If this is the last thing to escape your lips you are guaranteed Jannah. Another reason to make this easy adkhar a constant habit.
The word Astaghfirullah means to “seek, want, and try for forgiveness.” Constant Istighfaar wipes away the minor sins, and purifies our heart. Furthermore, it puts us in a state where we are reflecting on our shortcomings and trying to better ourselves.
These easy adhkar take only a few minutes to recite and can be done anywhere so there is little excuse to ignore them. A little tip is to set a reminder on your phone for a certain adhkar (ex SubhanAllah) at a certain time to remind yourself so you don’t forget. It is said that a Muslim is either in a state of Sabr or Shukr and I find that in either situation, one can greatly benefit from these easy adhkar. In a situation requiring sabr, we can use these easy adhkar to reaffirm our faith in Allah and remind us that He is Almighty and Powerful. When we are in a state of shukr we must thank Allah (SWT) for His countless blessings and remember Him often so that we do not become among the ungrateful.
May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to remember Him often through the words He loves most. Ameen.